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by - July 02, 2019


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In a world that demands a certain kind of ‘making it’, it’s easy to get caught up in an endless cycle of self-loathing and throw yourself a pity party every day. It is easy to feel like a loser, as though you were just born a failure especially as you look to the world’s standards of success. With this era of information explosion and digital revolution one gets to know anything at the touch of a button. Cultures of the world and lifestyles are being shaped by and synchronized with what is trending on the worldwide web. That has become the baseline for gauging our social, physical, emotional, psychological, financial and spiritual health and if it doesn’t measure up then we are not okay.

Digitization of information is great in itself; it’s a milestone in human civilization that has helped revolutionize the education industry and information transfer. However one ought to know that information posted on the web originates from a lot of people all around the world with different backgrounds, ideologies, morals and cultures therefore has to be taken with a pinch of salt.
In this regard I’ll therefore pose a series of questions to you my dear reader; what do you base the aspects of your life on? How do you measure your successes and failures? What’s your standard of success?

We have ended up defining our lives by the web and forgotten who we are individually. We want to be anybody else but ourselves. I said it before and I’ll say it again human beings were created unique. Every person was created without their copies and until you live up to the person you were meant to be, you have not fulfilled your purpose in life. It’s easy to look at someone else’s life and wish your life was like theirs but that is when you miss the point. How many times have we seen someone’s house on the internet and wished we had it, or a car, or a marriage, family, or even jobs and lifestyles. At times we even go as far as feeling envious that they get to have that and we don’t. Do you know what God calls that? Covetousness. Forge out your own path, do what only you can do best. That is your God given talent use it. It is where your success lies and that will glorify Him. Don’t get caught up in the frenzy of conforming to trends. You know what they say about things that burn twice as bright..? Exactly.

God knows and acknowledges our different abilities, remember the parable Jesus taught of talents? The owner gave each employee different amounts according to their own abilities and they had to work with those. It does not mean that the one given five was better than he who was given one.It's what they did with the talents that mattered. When i first read this parable i was in high school or something and i remember feeling like that master was unfair. Whatever God has given you, work with it and you will succeed. When the enemy starts planting seeds of envy and covetousness in your heart is the moment desperation sets in and you start to struggle and fail, your peace flies out the window then comes the pity party.

Friends, let your standard of success be God’s and not somebody else’s. As long as it is what God intended for you; you will excel no doubt. I know my saying these things may sound like a Christianity cliché because of skepticism today towards the things of God but I can tell you with assurance not to take my word for it but like David said in Psalms 34:8 taste and see that the Lord is good. Once you know this God then you will know what He says is for real.

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Love muchly

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