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by - July 02, 2019


Photo credits:@werner7

The sun is setting far in the west. The glowing fiery ball hurries behind the stretch of smoky mountain ranges sending its golden rays across the green fields.

The leaves of the massive blue gum trees swish in the evening breeze and sparkle with a hue of gold on their surfaces as they reflect the fading sun's rays.

The air smells of freshness following the rainy season that just ended and the emerald blanket of grass covering the plains and hills across stretches far and wide. On the other side of the lake flocks of sheep and herds of cattle have begun to descend the hills from grazing fields with the shepherds trailing behind.

It’s yet the end of another day, the crane bird flies past beating its oversized wings in search of the tallest tree to perch for the night. The squirrels and mole rats dash to seek the warmth and safety of their dens as the night creeps in flooding the world with darkness.

Farmers retire from the fields with their tools slung over their shoulders dragging their feet tired from working under the scorching summer sun all day. Their pants that are torn on the knees, dirt filled while their sun bleached shirts cling tightly on their backs like a second skin from perspiration.

The women stroll along in small groups from the market with basketfuls of groceries balanced on their heads as they speak in hushed tones probably the juiciest gossip trending at the moment in West-lake the small quaint village that I have known as home for more than twenty years now.
Photo credits:@espaciomasinstante

The children are running hither tither to complete the chores before night fall compels them to remain in the confinement of their huts; yes you heard it correct, huts. See mine is a small village comprising mainly of peasants therefore a majority of the populace do not have your average stone house but are content.

I am sitting on a rock by the little brook not very far from my house that happens to be my favorite pastime spot while in West-lake. Seated in my “fairyland” as I christened it, I take in the all too familiar sight that marks the end of each day in this tiny village by the edge of the forest.

By this time the last rays hinting that the sun was there at all have completely disappeared beyond the horizon. I lift my eyes to gaze up on the night sky and the sight is one to behold. The clear blue sky is sprinkled with countless stars twinkling from bright white to yellow to orange shades. It amusingly reminds me of a trail of fairy dust not that I have seen one in reality but just from watching too much work of fiction.

Meanwhile, on the far eastern horizon a large orange ball is peaking slightly to announce it arrival into the scene. It’s a beautiful and peaceful night as always in our small farming village. The one thing I adore about the place. You never have to constantly watch your back for potential attackers. One can actually walk home way late into the night without bumping into any creepy looking fellas except for the company of a few drunkards staggering from Lazlo’s; the complete opposite of the busy and polluted high-tech crime scenes that go by the name of cities.

As I sit alone in the small meadow watching the moon rise high in the sky its color changing from deep orange to dazzling white each passing moment I can’t help but wonder how time flies and reflect on the day gone by. Staring blankly into the distance I ponder the mysteries of life. People are always looking for something more. Is that extra something wealth, power, status, honor, love? Why does man wake up each morning to run up and down every day aging with each sunset slowly wrinkles form on his face, the once black hair turning white while he is still at it. It’s always the same ole routine even watching the sunset at West-lake.

Rising to my feet, I make my way swiftly through the woods behind my cottage. Passing by a few huts it dawns on me that it might actually be way late into the night if the dying embers are anything to go by.
Quickening my pace I hurry past Nerrisa my neighbor’s house being careful not to snap any fallen twigs that may otherwise alert her dogs to an intruder’s presence. Ms. West-lake paparazzo is what folks call her here due to her nosy character. Believe me I am not exaggerating when I say the woman has practically taken up a full time job of knowing what happens in the village like how Mr. Kwamboka beat up his wife for serving him cold dinner the previous night and so on.

Reaching my front porch I let out a long breath I hadn’t realized I was holding in. As I place the key into the keyhole of my front door it simply swings open by the action because to my shocking realization it was unlocked. My body tenses upon seeing the kitchen lights on. If I wasn’t sure before about leaving my door open now I was certain since I did not leave any lights on when I went out.

Would you like to see this story continued? who or what do you think is in the house? tell us in the comments below.

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Love muchly,

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