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by - May 23, 2019


Photo Credits:@mlightbody

Today I want to go back to the basics of Christian Faith.

I came across a very interesting question while reading an article. It said “if I believe that Jesus is the Son of God the same way that I believe that Vladimir Putin is the leader of Russia, have I fulfilled the conditions needed to be saved? Or is there more to believing in Jesus than that?

I rarely write evangelical articles but rather mostly discipleship ones because this is the area I feel strongly called in. Though as Christians we are all witnesses of Christ Jesus through our changed lifestyles and therefore we basically are evangelists first. In order to disciple (teach) a new believer he must come to Jesus first and how will they come to Jesus if they do not know Him? Romans 10:17. This is where evangelism comes in. So today’s post is about how one gets saved.

A person becomes a Christian believer by being born again. Jesus Himself said that night when teaching Nicodemus (a pharisee) that unless one is born again they cannot inherit eternal life. John 3:1-2. This is a confirmation from our Lord Jesus that unless one receives and accepts salvation their destiny is the eternal fire of hell. But God does not desire for anyone to perish but for all men to be saved John 3:16-17

This begs the question what is salvation? We are told that it is belief in Jesus as the son of God. Then again what is to believe in Jesus? How can you know you are now saved? The simplistic nature of the message of the cross and grace for forgiveness of sins has caused many to be skeptical or question what Jesus meant by believe in the son of God and you will be born again and even others to be doubtful of their salvation. So going back to the earlier example of Vladimir Putin I would say there is more to believing that Jesus is the son of God than just knowing and assenting to that fact.

How do we know this? Because Satan and his demons know and believe that Jesus is the son of God see James 2:19, Matthew 8:29 and Mark 1:24. Believing in Jesus therefore can be seen as a three stage process i.e. knowing, embracing and having faith (trust).

1) First we get to know who Jesus is because without knowledge how can we gain understanding. We need to know that Jesus is the son of God; the second person of the triune God. The word that was from the beginning THROUGH which all things were created and that same word incarnated John 1:1, 14 (came to earth in human form) to fulfill the promise of a savior that would save mankind and reconcile them back to fellowship with God just as it was in the garden of Eden before the fall and separation of man from God see Genesis 3:15 and Hebrews 2:14. This promise is of a savior, a sacrificial lamb that is blameless (sinless) to die and pay the price of sin in man see John 1:41, 4:25-26. When He died He resurrected again after three days and went back to heaven where he came from, before the very eyes of men so they would know and believe He is who He said He was see Acts 10:40-41, 1 John 4:2 and Romans 5:6-11

Just in the same manner He will come back to judge the world based on the truth which He revealed to all men; the grace of salvation because He has promised all who believe in Him will be forgiven of their sins and declared righteous on account of His righteousness and His sacrifice on the cross Romans 3;21-22,2 Corinthians 5:18, Colossians 2:13-14. They will be reconciled back to God and receive the Holy Spirit (third person of the triune God) as a mark of Sonship in the Kingdom of God see Ephesians 1:13-14, and so that they can always have fellowship with God.However, those that would not believe Him will be condemned to eternal separation from God (hell).

2) Second part of believing in Jesus is embracing the knowledge received about who Jesus is. Satan knows that Jesus is the Son of God, He believes in the sovereignty of God but He does not embrace it, in fact He hates it because He is full of pride and wants to be above God and rule over everything. His plan from the beginning was to overthrow God. So believing is also embracing this knowledge as the truth.

3) The third part of believing in Jesus is having faith and trusting that Jesus actually died so that you may be saved. You trust that your sins have been forgiven on account of His death on the cross and resurrection. It involves coming to a realization of just how much you have fallen and how sinful you are. Your struggle with sin that no matter how much you try to do right you still do wrong. Coming to the realization that you are helpless to save yourself from the bondage of sinning and acknowledging you need a higher help than yourself. This kind of surrender only comes from a place of trust: when you trust that Jesus the son of God has that power to save you from your struggle with sin. 

With this conviction you can invite Jesus to come to your life usually by confession prayer. Romans 10:9-10 KJV {the King James Version says it so candidly)

Believing in Jesus is therefore a conviction, transition involving change of heart so that we are now looking away from ourselves to Jesus Christ. This stems from an UNDERSTANDING OF WHO JESUS IS, HIS ROLE, and HIS POWER TO SAVE AND TRUSTING HIM TO DO EXACTLY THAT FOR YOU.THIS IS WHAT SAVES. This is when the Holy Spirit comes and dwells in you and begins the transformation work. He reveals God’s truth to you and causes you to recognize that your value is nothing compared to Jesus' value. Instead, you just yearn to know him, to be with him, enjoy him, follow him, and praise him. He gives you confidence and you will know that you know you are saved.

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Love muchly,

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  1. Now this helps me understand more about salvation. What salvation is in a different light.


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