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by - April 05, 2019


Ever wondered why there is always this thrill that comes with the thought of something dark? I mean there is the fear of course but just beneath all that fright there is a certain amount of rush, of something exhilarating, a sort of high like one that comes from a drug- a thrill.

Think about the movies with dark themes, horror stories, walking at night, the supernatural. This is because;
1.  It’s forbidden –there is a hidden fascination and curiosity about shadowy aspects of life. Think illicit affairs.
2.  The darker side is often seen as more interesting.
3.  It represents the unconventional and unknown we don’t understand beyond what is acceptable.
4.  The fear, the adrenaline rush, the thrill that comes with it-horror films, thrillers, vampire and witchcraft movies.
5.  Representation of villains in movies fascinates us because there is a dark tendency in all of us. They do things we don’t dare.
6.  The fear of the unknown.We are afraid of darkness because subconsciously we are aware we do not know what may be lurking in the shadows. 
All the dark aspects represent the kingdom of darkness and are in constant opposition to Light. The devil uses these emotions of humanity to draw them away from the Light and what is good. Fear, death, crime, violence, magic, superstitions, horror,sexual immorality, homosexuality are not of God.

How does the devil use dark inclinations to trap people?

Reference scripture- Ephesians 5:11-16, Ezekiel 22:26

   a)  The media- TV/ radio channels are being used to desensitize people to what is evil or wrong instead of building up and encouraging, spreading love and hope. I will tell you this; there is a fine line between giving information and persuading. When what is aired becomes selective to only one thing then the intention is no longer passing information but rather causing you to have an inclination towards that thought. Believe it or not there are a lot of good things and people in the world just as there are bad however what do you notice is mostly favored by news carriers?

  b)  The Entertainment world- Ever wondered why the movies with dark themes sell more and do well in box office than those without? That’s because the prince of darkness who is at work in the world lures and controls those who do not know God to promote his agenda.

  c)   All religions serve the same God? - there is an emerging popularity of this doctrine that all religions believe in the same God. That is not true because Christianity believes in Jehovah/YHWH (meaning unchanging, eternal, self-existent and one true God)-this designates His nature in relation to man as the only almighty, true, personal, eternal and holy God.  How so?Jehovah is a speaking God; He reveals Himself and His power to us. He is one God existing eternally in three persons and relates to human beings at a personal level. Some gods do not speak, they don’t respond and some religions worship more than one god. This is an issue of political correctness and the idea of creating a one world religion which is just a way to draw people away from the one true God and embrace the notion of "my truth". Truth is not something that has point of views-there can only be one truth.

d)  Marriage and divorce - The value of marriages is being downgraded now days to just a form of contract which can be terminated at any time one wishes. This makes people to enter marriages without the seriousness it deserves, some even anticipate it failing. The word of God does not allow divorce except for adultery reasons and even then you have to consider working on reconciliation first. God instituted and ordained marriage to be a model of what fellowship with Him should look like; anything else is a perversion of marriage. The reason most people get into marriages and struggle is because they have left God out of the whole process. Man cannot take the place of God.In the garden Adam and Eve lived together and had a thriving and loving relationship with God that was never overshadowed by their own.God has to come first then everything else will just fall into place.

 e)   Acceptance and tolerance-Another illustration of just how far the devil is controlling this world and all those in it is the ideology of acceptance and tolerance of everything. Acceptance is not love (society has programmed and created the notion that disagreeing with sin is hate e.g. the homophobia frenzy). This will even go as far as pushing for rights and legalization of these sins through our governments in the name of civilization (this is a clever way of misleading humans)-homosexuality and gender choice, breastfeeding in public as being offensive to the transsexual and transgender male.

Pride will make you think you are so intelligent and cannot be deceived. Well the devil is smarter than humans and operates on a realm you do not have access to; he sees what you cannot see. He is smart enough to make his lies appear convincing, when you think about it logically it will seem to make sense. The devil will convince you with logic whereas he has an advantage over you because he is able to perceive the results from a spiritual stand point.

If the devil could deceive Eve who walked and talked with God a short time just after she was created, you better believe he can deceive you as well.

The enemy wants to hold people’s thoughts captive (in this delusion) where they think the wrong and evil is just normal or at very best just a joke, a circus to entertain and nothing more. The more they consume the stuff the more it becomes a part of them/ subconsciously they become accustomed that they see nothing wrong with it. Just as the Holy Spirit guides those he indwells and the word of God feeds the spirit man. Likewise demonic spirits influences those who are not born again and the dark thoughts, ideologies and material one consumes feeds their spirit man. The devil has no physical body he operates in the spirit realm as well and that is how he reaches the physical world through influence of the spirit man in humans.

The good news is that there is a solution

a)   When you come to Jesus as your personal savior, you invite him into your life to be the Lord of your life He sends you His holy spirit who dwells in you. In that instance the nature of Satan leaves you because he knows there is a new Master that is more powerful now dwelling inside of you. He packs his bags and leaves. Darkness and Light cannot co-exist. You will no longer be under the influence of the prince of this world.

b)  This freedom only comes by total surrender to Jesus by realizing that you have struggled to achieve things in life on your own (peace, happiness, success even living a righteous life) with no avail and you need Him to be in charge. Without surrender the Holy Spirit finds it hard to dwell in you because you will be always trying to control aspects of your life and He will be quenched. One of the major purposes of the Holy Spirit is to be your comforter; to aid you in any way but when you are in control he takes a back seat. You will not see Him manifest because you are not giving Him the opportunity to work in you. If His power does not operate and flow through you, Satan gets a loophole to deceive and corrupt you because you are fighting a spiritual war with the flesh.

c)   The difference between Christians who continue to struggle with sin even after salvation and those who experience a transformation is in how they receive Jesus; did they just add Him to their lives or did they submit under His authority. Changing one’s sinful ways is beyond self and if you just add Jesus in your life, it means you are still in charge and He is a sometime aspect of your life.

d)  You are the temple of the Holy Spirit- Him being holy means He dwells in a Holy place therefore you should desire holiness and righteousness which only He can aid you to achieve. Ask Him to take charge and help you to kill the sin in your life.

e)   You are responsible for what you feed your soul; what you watch,, what you listen to and what you do/participate in.

f)    Test everything- research to gain perspective, read the bible to find the truth, listen to Godly music that will edify you not the kind of music that plants twisted thoughts in you. You will become as shrewd (wise) as serpents and as innocent (harmless) as doves ~Matthew 10:16.

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Love muchly!


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